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Bleomycin Lyophilized

Bleomycin Lyophilized

Product Details:

  • Drug Type Specific Drug
  • Physical Form Liquid
  • Function Anti-Cancer
  • Dosage 15 units
  • Dosage Guidelines As Per Doctor

Bleomycin Lyophilized Price And Quantity

  • 10 Box

Bleomycin Lyophilized Product Specifications

  • Liquid
  • Specific Drug
  • 15 units
  • Anti-Cancer
  • As Per Doctor

Bleomycin Lyophilized Trade Information

  • 100 Box Per Week
  • 1-2 Week

Product Description

Bleomycin Lyophilized

Bleomycin is one of the cancer chemotherapy drugs, used for the treatment of different types of cancer including testicular cancer, prostate cancer, non Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma and cancers of the head and neck area. It slows down or stops the growth of cancer cell in your body. The Bleomycin is freely soluble in water and form a clear fluid after being dissolved in water.

Dosage : 15 units

How it is Administered

  • In the form of drip (infusion) through a fine tube into the vein, usually for 20 to 30 minutes. It may also be given through a central line of which is inserted under the skin into a vein near the collarbone or through a PICC line, which is inserted into a vein in the crook of the arm

  • By injection into a large muscle (IM), a vein, or rarely under the skin (Subcutaneously)

  • Injected through a chest drain after drainage of a plural effusion. The fluid builds up between the two layers of the lung, thereby stopping plural effusion from recurring.

Side Effects
Medicine and their side effects may affect individual persons in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. If you notice or experience any of the following side effects please discuss it with your doctor or chemotherapy nurse.

  • Fever and chills
  • Skin changes ( Rashes or itchy skin)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness and feeling weak
  • Mouth sores and ulcers
  • Taste changes
  • Ridging of nails
  • Hair loss
  • Changes to the lung

Must tell your doctor about your medical history and different medication that you take. Discuss your fertility and conception with your doctor before starting the treatment. Avoid pregnancy or becoming father during the course of the treatment, or at least after a month.

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